Front 242
Farewell concert by EBM pioneers
“Black Out” – the last shows before the end
This summer, Front 242 will play their very last festival concert on Belgian soil at the Lokerse Feesten. Then in January 2025 the legendary EBM band will appear on stage for one very last time, twice to be precise. Doing so in their beloved AB.
No less than four decades have passed since the influential Front 242 saw the light of day in 1981. In the meantime, they injected the music world with a brand new genre: Electronic Body Music (or: EBM). The likes of U-Men, No Shuffle, Headhunter V1.0, Funkhadafi and Tragedy >For You< became true classics.
Their résumé still looks impressive to this day. Record a video clip with Anton Corbijn? Check! Perform at the first ever edition of Pukkelpop, America’s Lollapalooza or the influential Primavera Sound? Check! Tour with Depeche Mode during their Music For The Masses tour? Front 242 could check that off their list too.
Their farewell tour takes them from Las Vegas to Mexico City to Germany and back to the US to then finally visit The Netherlands, London and France. For the final farewell, the gents from Front 242 chose AB. Let’s make it an unforgettable farewell together!
From Front HQ, we received the following message to share with fans:
“Front 242 will stop performing concerts. It is with a mix of emotions that Front242 announces their last concerts… On the one hand, we sadly close a great adventure of some 40 years of amazing feelings shared with our wonderful audience. On the other hand, we realise that stopping now with a great image and full energy is what everybody would like to remember. So, don’t miss Front 242 this year, we promise you the most powerful and enjoyable performances.”