Friends of the strange, good evening ! Does The Knife, a little electronic nugget from the 2000s, sound familiar to you ? Olof Dreijer, 50 percent of the project, is definitely back for something interesting …

Bring out the steelpans !
Accompanied by collaborator Mt.Sims, the duo brings us “Souvenir“, a soaring electronic five tracks, each more astonishing than the last. Far removed from the club ambience of The Knife, this is a more ambient project that takes time to savor. Built around the Steelpan instrument that captivated the two creators, the instrument is remixed with an synth analog sauce for a fresh, surprising result.
With influences like Philip Glass and ethnic music, “Souvenir “explores parallel universes under explosive kicks, supported by the single “Hybrid Fruit” a few months ago.
With themes like inclusivity, cultural appropriation and colonization, we listen without words to beats that speak for themselves. The project is politicized and carries a strong message deliveredt with effective, unadorned simplicity.
Music is something to be savored, and here you’ll probably have to listen twice before properly understand this album. Nevertheless, we highly recommend them for all fans of our electronic music and… steel-pans !
Listen to this sensory album here: