This is very bad news for the many fans of Electric Callboy, the band has been forced to cancel its upcoming US tour and postpone the UK and France tour due to health problems of one of its singers, Nico Sallach.
The band made a statement regarding the postponement of concert dates and the health of Nico :
“Hey friends,
while we are extremely grateful for all the feedback we get for our new album Tekkno, we have some very sad news today.
Nico has been suffering from a very severe jaw and middle ear infection for quite some time now. He has tried to get better between our shows and rehearsals, but it’s not working. The infection is coming back again and again. That’s why we already had to cancel the Blue Ridge Rock Fest two weeks ago.
Unfortunately, our hopes for a swift recovery were not fulfilled, and we have no option but to move our shows in England, France, and the US to new dates. We checked with every doctor we know, but they all say the same: no shows and especially no flying for Nico at the moment. Otherwise, he would risk permanent damage to his ear. That is a risk we definitely won’t take. We need Nico, and Nico needs his ears. And his ears need some time off.
There is not much we can do about that. We are super sorry and hope that you can support our decision. We were very excited to play those gigs and already put a lot effort in preparing them.
For the almost completely sold-out „THE LEVEL UP“ Tour we had planned in the US, we have to cancel our participation and come up with new dates next year. Support the other bands and party with them!
Believe us: We can’t wait to cross the Atlantic and come back next year. That’s a promise.
Much love
Electric Callboy “