Since 2015, the Doom/Sludge band Lethvm continues its rise with a third album this april 7th which will be called “Winterreise” and released on Dunk Records ! Enough to slow down the arrival of spring with their dark, melancholic music, inspired by Amenra or even Neurosis, this is the perfect opportunity to lock yourself away for this little personal pleasure with their brand new K7 (to be listened on a good hifi system of course).

To celebrate this new opus, the band will also be in Liège on the release day to perform their new songs at La Zone with the Frenchies from Cult Of Occult and the Dutch band Asbest Boys. A quality evening for 7 euros, which is a better choice than 2 tickets for a Standard Liege football match.
Don’t forget that Lethvm will also relax your eardrums at Dour this year !