The youngsters from Brussels promised us during our last meeting and they didn’t lie, “Torments“ is the new single from ISE, a band that is starting its ascent.
Openda, Trossart or Onana, Belgium is preparing its golden generation on the field but also in music. It is thus in three minutes that Ice Sealed Eyes comes to put a layer on our eardrums with “Torments“, a track where the production and the quality of the product exceeds all expectations for this local band.
Something tells us that 2023 will be a pivotal year for this talented group and that it would be time to join the train now so as not to miss out on the rest of this adventure in Newcore. It breaks and it screams !
Mixing Influences from Bring Me The Horizon to the modernity of Knocked Loose, the future is bright for the Belgian metal scene and we put a coin on ISE.