London band Talk Show has just released their long-awaited debut album Effigy via Missing Piece Records. Speaking about the album, the band say:
“It’s been a long time coming but we are all super proud of what we’ve created. It’s bold, energetic and undeniably weird, We wanted an album that grabs you by the scruff of the neck and refuses to let go. We’re incredibly proud to share it. We wanted to create a fictional space for our music to inhabit. Its dark and sweaty walls drew inspiration from a wide range of art, cinema and literature. Musically, each track on the album pushed the boundaries of ourselves as musicians, evolving track by track, part by part. We can’t wait for it to be out in the world and brace yourselves for the live shows, we can’t wait to get on the road and perform it”.
Talk Show will be touring Europe next month, stopping off at the Botanique in Brussels on 27 March. Tickets for this show are available on the venue’s website.