Live Reports

Bring Me The Horizon and Landmvrks destroyed Lyon!

Can you name a band in the rock/metal area – or even further – that embodies the musical evolution better than Bring Me The Horizon?! You have 2 hours. Good luck for that. In 18 years, they’ve changed a lot, their music changed a lot but proved once again tonight that they’ve reached maturity since a few years and seems nothing can stop them.

Between many festivals in June and July – but none in Belgium as they’re playing at Pukkelpop in August -, they’ve added a few indoor shows. Like many bands. But it’s less often they fill-in with huge venues like this on a Tuesday. Tonight, thousands of French fans are at the Halles Tony Garnier to see BMTH and some sick openers.

Indeed. They’re not alone. About 3 weeks before, they announced Fever 333 and Landmvrks as opening acts. Two bands that are really everywhere this Summer… at least, wherever we go! Landmvrks opened for The Ghost Inside in Paris at Elysee Montmartre and proved once more how big they became. Fever 333 played at Rock Werchter only 3 days before and were on our planning for the Lollapalooza Paris.

Tonight, Landmvrks have the job to warm-up the crowd. Difficult job? Usually yes. But not for the French stars playing at home – or almost. About 40 minutes during which the couple of thousands of people presents in this arena were on fire. Singing along and moshing all time, they did everything Flo (singer) asked them. Their latest album “Lost In The Waves” changed their career forever and we can only wish them the best for the near future. A future that will bring them in Belgium in November with Stick To Your Guns and Knocked Loose.

Coming on stage after the madness Landmvrks put without being the headliner would be difficult for many bands. But not for this one. Not for Fever 333. Some of the craziest guys on stage. Right Jason ?! Less sing-along than Landmvrks but biggest pit. And the same fuckin’ great feeling for both of them. Finally, the biggest surprise of the evening is not how Landmvrks turned the room upside down but how much the public was motivated! We fully understand them as the line-up was priceless but still, we didn’t expect that.

Set-list: Bite Back, Only One, Made An America, One Of Us, Out Of Control, Trigger, Burn It, Hunting Season.

However, the energy of these 2 greats sets looked way smaller when Bring Me The Horizon came on stage. They proved they are still 10 levels above the 2 opening acts – even if they are on the good way. From the first note of Can You Feel My Heart to the last one of Throne, we enjoyed one of the best shows of this Summer. Even if we’ve been to a lot! You can have a look on many live-reports on our website by the way.

It’s the first show in France since BMTH released their latest EP “Post Human: Survival Horror” last year. One more masterpiece on their studio albums list. It’s without any surprises they played 6 tracks from it tonight: Teardrops, Obey, Ludens, etc. But the song people seems to enjoy the most was Kingslayer. Singing along the main riff, moshing the whole song. It was a fuckin’ party. The beautiful last single, DiE4u, got a great reaction too. Like all the newest songs… which means 99% of the set-list as they only play recent songs. From “Sempiternal” (2013) to “Post Human: Survival Horror”, including of course “That’s The Spirit” (2016) and “Amo” (2019). But as it was an indoor headliner show and not a festival set, we got one (only one) surprise with Diamonds Aren’t Forever from Suicide Season (2008) played during the encore. Unfortunately, we can’t really blame them as their current success is mainly due these last releases.

The good thing with Bring Me The Horizon is that every release is a success. Their musical evolution seems even natural for them. In 2013, “Sempiternal” was a surprise at the first listening. In 2016, “That’s The Spirit” was a surprise at the first listening. In 2019, “Amo” was a – huge – surprise at the first listening. But still. They all kicked ass! Same for the latest EP which was a surprise because heavier than expected. And we can’t wait to hear the brand new singles and/or EP in a near future!

Set-list: Can You Feel My Heart, Happy Song, Teardrops, Medicine, Ludens, Dear Diary, Parasite Eve, Shadow Moses, Kingslayer, DiE4u, Mantra, Follow You (acoustic), Drown, Obey, Diamonds Aren’t Forever, Throne.

Can you name a band in the rock/metal area – or even further – that embodies the musical evolution better than Bring Me The Horizon?! You have 2 hours. Good luck for that. In 18 years, they’ve changed a lot, their music changed a lot but proved once again tonight that they’ve reached maturity since a few years and seems nothing can stop them.

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