Live Reports

Wage War and Devil Wears Prada: metalcore night at Kavka Zappa!

Finally! We’ve been waiting a while to see War Wage play a big headliner show like this in Belgium. October 13th is the day. Kavka Zappa in Antwerp is the place. MCLX is the promoter. And we are the fans ready to mosh and sing along! Tonight was soldout with 500 metalcore kids in the room… but we still have a taste of unfinished business!

To open this show – like the whole tour – the Danish band Siamese have been chosen. We discovered them one year ago at the Crowdsalat Festival in Essen which is a lovely festival you should definitely attend! During 2 days, they bring this year Stray From The Path, Novelists Fr, Our Hollow Our Home… and Siamese. But back to Antwerp for now! Half of the room are already there to discover the Danish quintet with their special line-up reminding us Imminence: they have a violonist… which is also playing guitar, depend on the song and the mood. This configuration helped them to sound different than the usual metalcore bands with a more melodic touch.

It was their very first show in Belgium but for sure not the last one. They got a good reaction from the crowd, even without proper moshpit, and the band seems to really enjoy it in return. Siamese won many new fans tonight or at least attract the curiosity of many people!

You can look at the full gallery from the Siamese show here on our website: Siamese live at Kavka Zappa.

Siamese @ Kavka Zappa – 14 October 2022 // FreakMike Photography for Ctrl Alt Music.

A short change-over and it’s time to welcome to main support of this evening which is almost a co-headliner as they’ve such a long and successful career behind them: The Devil Wears Prada, active in the metalcore since 16 years and still counting! Their last show in Belgium was in this same place a couple of weeks before the pandemic hit us as they played with Stray From The Path in December 2019 here at Kavka Zappa. They just released the very good album “The Act” who sadly disappears a bit in the dust with these almost 2 years of Covid-19. The single Chemical is only one to still get its head above water. But what a single! One of the best songs they released. But not the best. This award go to the song Broken from their newest release “Color Decay” on September 16th via Solid State Records. Spoiler alert: unfortunately, this single won’t be played on this tour.


Before the show, we got the chance to interview the singer from The Devil Wears Prada, Mike, who shared with us the process of writing from “Color Decay”, the vibes around it and how surprised he was to see how much people love this album! He said that in general people wants to hear the classics, the old stuff but here, the fans asked new songs as much as the old ones, which is pretty sick. And we obviously share this excitement: this new record is the best they’ve ever release.

You can look at the full gallery from the The Devil Wears Prada show here on our website: The Devil Wears Prada live at Kavka Zappa. 

The Devil Wears Prada @ Kavka Zappa – 14 October 2022 // FreakMike Photography for Ctrl Alt Music.

Tonight set-list from The Devil Wears Prada sounds like a best-off with songs from 6 different records with still a focus on the most records: 3 songs from “Color Decay” are played tonight (Salt, Watchtower, Sacrifice). And around, all the classics like Danger:Wildman and Dez Moines. With a perfect ending on Chemical! In around 40 minutes, TDWP delivered a really good show and we didn’t know it yet but it was the best show of the night…

Set-list: Sacrifice, Danger: Wildman, Born To Lose, Salt, Termination, Outnumbered, Watchtower, Dez Moines, Chemical.

The headliner of this soldout show at Kavka Zappa was so Wage War, one of the biggest metalcore bands in the new generation next to bands like Polaris, Bad Omens or Imminence. The hype around this show was real and everybody was looking forward to hear the new songs from their newest album “Manic” release last year via Fearless Records but also the classics Low, The River or Stitch. With almost half of the set-list focus on the new songs, we knew we should have a kick-ass time! Sadly, our expectations were perhaps a bit too high…


The sound is good, the light decent but the energy isn’t so present. The show is cool but not great. Even when they played the duo Witness/Don’t Let Me Fade Away from “Deadweights”, the crowd didn’t get crazy. And the same feeling will stay the same night. We got a few sparks but the fire never started. When we thought the fire finally started with Stitch, it was already too late. It was the last song.

Set-list: Relapse, Teeth, Low, Witness, Don’t Let Me Fade Away, Gravity, High Horse, Godspeed, Manic, Alive, The River, Who I Am, Death Roll, Circle The Drain, Stitch.

We got many surprises tonight but not in the way we expected! Siamese was better than a simple opening act. The Devil Wears Prada played a kick-ass set and were the best band of the evening. Wage War were a bit disappointing and not as crazy as expected. Second round next Summer for Wage War and The Devil Wears Prada, both expected at Graspop and Jera On Air!

You can look at the full gallery from the Wage War show here on our website: Wage War live at Kavka Zappa.

Wage War @ Kavka Zappa – 14 October 2022 // FreakMike Photography for Ctrl Alt Music.

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