SeeYouSpaceCowboy and Nothing,Nowhere have collaborated on a new single titled ‘Rhythm and Rapture’, out today via Pure Noise Records. About the song, frontwoman Connie Sgarbossa explains :
“This song was created out of a desire to mix 00’s dancey indie rock like Foals, Cut Off Your Hands, and Bloc Party with a post-hardcore sound. We wanted to create a song in a style we’ve never done before that really reflects the variety of what we grew up listening to. Outside of just nostalgia, wanted to make something that was more focused on being dancey and fun like parts we had all the way back in the Songs For The Firing Squad era, but with less dissonance and more embracing the joy of simplicity. Even though it sounds like a wild departure it has its roots in stuff we have done with SYSC in the past, just expanded and with a different flavor.”
Nothing,Nowhere adds:
“I’m honored to have been a part of this track with SYSC. They’re one of my favorite bands and are always pushing boundaries.”