Live Reports

ALL STAR GAME at Hellhole with Echoes Of Nihil, Ice Sealed Eyes and Through The Void!

The bill hurts, Echoes Of Nihil, Ice Sealed Eyes and Through The Void to end the night, we knew it was going to be brutal this weekend at the HellHole, and we weren’t wrong.

Fight !

Barely time to enjoy this sweet month of March (freezing) that we find ourselves facing Romain and his A-Team. And surprise ! They reproduced. Freshly become a quintet, Echoes Of Nihil adds a layer of guitar to better break our eardrums. Always as effective, the band heats up the room with efficiency. Growls, clean vocals, breakdowns and cute smiles on stage, the band will even share with us their next single. The project is making its way and we can’t wait to hear what they’re cooking in the studio, in which they will soon lock themselves.

Echoes Of Nihil @ Jeugdhuis de Schakel – 04th March 2023 / Mademsku Photography for CTRL ALT MUSIC

Then, The Rain

The time to replace the vertebrae that we find ourselves Ice Sealed Eyes. A first time to our amazed eyes, the team begins the show in a more cinematographic way. Real public success with their recent collaboration with the DRF as well as a new EP in preparation, Ice Sealed Eyes sounds huge and pro. Even blasting a cover of Knocked Loose (arf arf), the band from Wavre raises the level ! If the compositions seem less direct than the two other bands on the bill, we have to admit that they work and that Noé and his companions are gently venturing on the new wave of New Core. An enriching discovery for a show that takes its time and where the sharing with the public is honored.

Big night at Schakel’s Jeugdhuis which records its biggest sell-out of the year !

Ice Sealed Eyes @ Jeugdhuis de Schakel – 04th March 2023 / Mademsku Photography for CTRL ALT MUSIC

Welcome to The Void !

Through the Void, the band that broke the game of the Brussels underground scene. A nu-metal energy with a modern sound, Chaz and his band are not there to make the lace. With a few high points like opening for killthelogo at the AB Club a year ago, the task was heavy to impress us.

Despite the tiredness from the moshpits of the first two bands, the atmosphere does not fall and the headbangs will continue all the set. The violence of their single Believe” or the groovy “Answer“, we can’t get enough of it and we remain really impressed by the professionalism, the efficiency and the sincerity of this project. Taking the old to make it modern, very very good idea from TTV which deposits its calling card for the biggest Belgian events this summer. Jera ? Graspop ? Anyone ? The conquered public will finish the evening with them on stage, in a memorable chaos.

Through The Void @ Jeugdhuis de Schakel – 04th March 2023 / Mademsku Photography for CTRL ALT MUSIC

Big night at Schakel’s Jeugdhuis which records its biggest sell-out of the year. Not surprising considering the bill and the place… We are delighted to have been able to attend this evening. Three bands that are on a roll and that you will soon be able to find in an already memorable triple interview !

Many thanks to the team, to HellHole and to the three bands who killed it !

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