Live Reports

Amyl and the Sniffers are bigger then ever

The Australians were finally back in Belgium to defend their latest album, a sold-out concert that was not to be missed!

The Chats, Clowns, or the godfathers of Cosmic Psychos, the Australians have rock in their blood and tonight Amyl and The Sniffers accompanied by C.O.F.F.I.N as opener came to prove this superpower. A real event considering the success of the band always led by Amyl, the new most talented frontwoman of her time, the date was quickly sold out. It is thus logically that we found the room of the Trix packed, all and all ready to fight in the pogos. After a quick trip to the merch, we are ready for C.O.F.F.I.N who comes back to Belgium after a surprising show at Pit’s in Courtrai.

And the party begins, a drummer with a fantastic mullet and a unique stage presence, the group will open the hostilities with brio. With typical pub-rock roots and a delicate taste for the rock’n’roll which stains, it is one thirty small minutes that the group is going to assail us of devastating riffs and rhythmic worthy of their big parents of AC/DC. As talented in studio as on stage, Fast Love , White Dog or Cum In The Street (don’t do it please) will hit the spot, all punctuated by the barking of the drummer, taken up in heart by the audience. The job is done, we are ready to welcome the Sniffers.

That song is cool !


A good party starts with a good hit. Gypsy Woman of Crystal Waters will announce the arrival of the Australians, in a room ready to explode so much the wait is big. But no time for house music, time for amps and rock’n’roll. And what an explosion… From the first notes of Control, the room of the Trix was transformed into human storm, mixing pogos and crowdsurfing. It will be enough of 5 songs so that Amyl, the star of the day comes to join us to sing Got You in his public, carried by his fans. What a burst of energy, it never stops. We were warned of the madness of their shows but to see this explosion of music in real remains unique. With a setlist mixing old classics and a big part of their latest project, the energy never drops and the audience mixing old school punk and newly elected have fun.

The group enjoys, has fun, all in an amazing and refreshing professionalism. No fuss, far from what could be called posers, the band lives the moment and transmits its energy with its guts.

Andre Joosse 


It is impossible for us to resist the temptation of moshpits. Capital will break all the blocks, the track with hardcore accents will simply be the highlight of the show until the anthem Some Mutts (Cant’Be Muzzled) and the expected Hertz. Without even returning to the stage for the classic encore, the band leaves us smiling on a second disco classic : Yes Sir, I Can Boogie by Baccara. For a first meeting with Amyl and The Sniffers, we are clearly not disappointed. We expected a lot from this concert but we got even more. Resurrecting the energy of the Stooges with a sense of party and generosity that only Australian bands can give us, we can only congratulate the band for this phenomenal rise. Far from the choreographed shows, we had tonight a pure rock show, bringing us the time of a set in the heat of Oceania, hidden in the corner of a pub, with some pints and a sound system that spits.

Between Blondie and Iggy Pop, Amyl is slowly becoming a legend, driven by a band full of energy and a drummer who misses nothing with a Cocaine Piss tee shirt (the time of 3 songs), what an honor. A page of a history which continues to be embellished and a group which perpetuates the legend history of the punk started in the 70’s! God bless Amyl and the Sniffers !

Set-list: Gypsy Woman (La Da Dee) (intro) , Control, Freaks To The Front, Snakes, Got You, Maggot, Guided By Angels, Shake Ya, Cup Of Destiny, Capital, Security, GFY, Gacked On Anger, Laughing, Knifey, Don’t Fence Me In, Some Mutts (Can’t Be Muzzled), Hertz, Yes Sir, I Can Boogie (outro)

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