Lorna Shore release new single “Pain Remains I: Dancing Like Flames”
Lorna Shore, who just played at Forest National with Parkway Drive, release tonight a brand new single called Pain Remains I: Dancing Like Flames, the...
New single for Suicide Silence “You Must Die”
The headliners of the next Never Say Die! Tour Suicide Silence release today a brand new single with video called You Must Die via Century...
Lorna Shore release a new single “Into The Earth”
After Sun/Eater, Lorna Shore release today a second single called Into The Earth. Their new album “Pain Remains” is coming on October 14th through Century...
Lorna Shore release new single “Sun // Eater”
This is it. The first single from the upcoming album of Lorna Shore is online. This song called Sun // Eater is the first extract...
Fit For An Autopsy: a great deathcore evening in Antwerp
It was an evening every deathcore fans in Belgium didn’t wanna miss. Well, at least that’s what about 300 people thought. Fit For An Autopsy,...
New Suicide Silence song “Thinking In Tongues”
The deathcore legends Suicide Silence release today a brand new single through Century Media Records called Thinking In Tongues....