Live Reports

Dying Fetus and Nasty destroyed Antwerp!

This Saturday evening, we were again at Kavka Zappa to enjoy a lovely pre-Valentine’s Day with a cozy package: Dying Fetus, Nasty, Cabal and Frozen Soul. With songs like Kill Your Mother, Slaves To The Rich, Violent Ends or End Of Vengeance, we knew it’s gonna brutal as f*ck and the bands didn’t disappoint us at all!

Frozen Soul, the old-school death-metal-revival kicked things off. The strongest element in Frozen Soul‘s death metal are the unwieldy riffs. They are primitive and initially effective. Although each track has its strong moments and tempo changes that bring that attention back, a little more variation and originality would keep that attention longer. Crypt Of Ice is a solid ending of the setlist particularly appeal to fans of old school death metal that is not too difficult. It’s all pretty simple and mostly groovy one.

This is my first experience of Danish band Cabal and I can only describe the sound they create as weaponized music. What the band strive to achieve is a sort of gloomy, doom atmosphere, and this they achieve. Andreas Paarup demands action from the pit and the hoards do not disappoint him. 

Cabal at Kavka Zappa – 11 February 2023 // Tanguy Maes for Ctrl Alt Music.

Nasty, there we go the band everyone was waiting for. With their opener At War With Love, the whole crowd opened, moshpits and singalongs arrived. Matthi goes all out and at times almost screams inside out. In 666AM, a lot of breakdowns and extra slow guitar riffs are alternated with fast aggression and there is even some deathcore present. The nice thing about Nasty is that they put something unique in every song. Matthi asked for a huge circlepit at one point pontificating that it should go around the pillar to the back of the room, the whole crowd went crazy. After some classics and singalons during a 45 minutes, it’s time for Dying Fetus.

Dying Fetus is completely back, full of technical riffs, tight breaks, deep grunts and fast guitar runs that connect the mutual riffs. It remains astonishing how Dying Fetus once again managed to create a good amount of noise with only three men, which rivals any peer in terms of quality. It’s a tight, taut twelve-song strong set of utter brutality. We get at least one song from each of their eight albums. Closing out their set with Kill Your Mother/Rape Your Dog is always a pleasure to see, unfortunately we didn’t got an encore this time.

When this tour has been announced, we were surprised to see Dying Fetus and Nasty together but in the end, it was a pretty good evening! The young heavy act Cabal was a really nice add on this tour after the 2 great shows they did in Belgium last year with King 810 and on the Never Say Die Tour. We can’t wait to see them again!

Dying Fetus at Kavka Zappa – 11 February 2023 // Tanguy Maes for Ctrl Alt Music.

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